
Princípio de funcionamento e vantagens e desvantagens da fonte de alimentação UPS de reserva

Working principle and advantages and disadvantages of backup UPS power supply. At present, UPS uninterruptible power supplies on the market are mainly divided into two categories: online UPS power supplies and backup UPS power supplies. When loading low-power devices, if the device itself does not have high requirements for electrical energy, a backup UPS power […]

Princípio de funcionamento e vantagens e desvantagens da fonte de alimentação UPS de reserva Ler mais "

Conselhos para a manutenção da fonte de alimentação ininterrupta UPS

1、 Put safety first. Life and physical safety are above all else. When dealing with power issues, even a small mistake can lead to serious injury or death. Therefore, when dealing with systems related to UPS uninterruptible power supplies (or any electronic systems in data centers), ensuring safety is of paramount importance, including complying with

Conselhos para a manutenção da fonte de alimentação ininterrupta UPS Ler mais "